“The moment you stop learning, you stop leading.” Rick Warren
“If you have made mistakes… there is always another chance for you … you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call ‘failure’ is not the falling down, but the staying down.” Mary Pickford
“Leadership has a visionary part and an implementation part ... leadership is an influence process in which you try to help people accomplish their goals while together going somewhere ... “ Ken Blanchard
“The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.” Winston Churchill
“Whoever connects me with the hidden springs of all life, whoever increases the sense of life in me...is my leader.” Mary Parker Follett
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in the moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy.”
Martin Luther King Jr.
“And do not be called leaders; for One is your Leader, that is, Christ. But the greatest among you shall be your servant.” Jesus -- Matthew 23:10
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a person’s character, give him or her power.” Abraham Lincoln
“A leader is a person who has an unusual degree of power to project on other people his or her shadow, or his or her light.” Parker J. Palmer
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” Warren G. Bennis
“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” Maya Angelou
“Leadership is authentic self-expression that gives value.” Kevin Cashman
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
“Leadership is about finding your voice.” Max DePree
“Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations.”
James M. Kouzes
“Leadership is the process of influence...it is communication and empowerment and self-mastery.” Elizabeth Jefferies
“The Christian leadership of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self.... It is not a leadership of power and control, but a leadership of powerlessness and humility in which the suffering servant of God, Jesus Christ, is made manifest.” Henri J.M. Nouwen
“You cannot fix what you will not face.” James Baldwin
“Leadership is best expressed when we abandon the pursuit of wealth, notoriety and security, and simply give our heart and our gifts, in every moment, to whoever crosses our path, without concern for recognition or remuneration.” Jim Warner, Aspirations of Greatness
“The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us.” Dorothy Day
“A leader is a person who must take special responsibility for what’s going on inside him or herself, inside his or her consciousness, lest the act of leadership create more harm than good.” Parker j. Palmer
“Authentic leaders experience an ongoing closeness / intimacy with God, honestly face the inner spiritual and emotional journey, and identify, develop and use their God given gifts and passions to impact the world.” Dan Webster
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