For starters, I had a major knee surgery last year and was out of the running game for a whole year. Secondly, I hate swimming. Not going to sugarcoat my disdain for using a peaceful, serene pool for a torture chamber! For me, pools have always been about relaxing, working on my tan, reading a good book or taking naps. I have always found plenty of other ways to cause myself grief, so there was no need for another. Until...
...I moved to Austin, TX, Tri capitol of the USA! I eagerly got on board with cycling, purchasing my first road bike this year and joining the ranks of my tri friends during the "bike" portion of their workouts. However, the minute they would lace up their shoes or head to the pool I was OUT. Then something strange happened. I got this crazy idea that I should TRI this sport out too. I think I must have gotten caught up in all the excitement of it all and just blurted out that I would do one...and from that moment there was no turning back!
So, eager to not suck at this new sport, I decided to start training early. A friend had offered to coach me and I gladly accepted. Let's be honest, I need all the help I can get! Plus she finished a half Ironman last year and is training for a full Ironman this year. Let's just say, I'm lucky to get to learn from the best! January rolled around and with it my first Tri training week. But as luck would have it I contracted a nasty virus that left me hacking my way to a bruised rib (I know, don't ask...just google it). Despite this injury I was determined not to stop training and powered through 2 days of workouts before I was literally debilitated by pain. Laughing, coughing, sneezing, even breathing caused great pain. Sigh...this is not how I imagined things.
After consulting Web MD and texting a doc friend of mine, I self-prescribed 2 weeks of non-activity and a pure food detox. Looking back, I'm not quite sure which was harder!
Finally, after 2 looooong weeks, I'm back in action and ready to become a bona fide triathlete. I immediately gravitated back to my bike, as the 70+ degree weather wooed me outside. Between Sunday and Monday I rode over 60 miles and loved every minute. Then, Tuesday, shows up and my first swim practice is on the schedule, yuck! I seriously, spent more time dreading the workout than actually doing it. I recruited a friend to come swim with me to help ease me into it. Plus, she is a swimmer and could give me pointers. Did I mention that the temperature was in the 40's outside this day??? It wouldn't have been a big deal if the first gym we attempted to go to had had a non-kiddie size indoor pool. Or if the guy working there wouldn't have misinformed us that the 2nd gym he directed us to had an adult size heated indoor pool. But no, we show up and request the pool, and the guy behind the desk laughs. Not understanding what was so funny, he goes on to explain that we aren't the only crazy ones wanting to swim outside today. Hmmm, I think I literally said, FML, without realizing it. Why did this have to be so hard?
Five minutes later after deciding not to wuss out, I shimmied into my horrific one piece suit and scurried like the ugly duckling to the pool as fast as my feet could carry me. The wind whipped steam off the top of the 83 degree pool like steam rising from a warm latte, except less charming. Jumping in with enthusiasm I said, "Let's make this quick!" The drills were good, but hard. I'm def not in swimming shape, nor do I feel remotely graceful in the water. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it sooner than later, but for now I'll at least keep the lifeguards entertained, lol! A huge thanks to Christy for bearing the cold with me and to Adri for being willing to take this journey with me! Y'all are the best!
Image Source:onlineclasses.net
Strength training today was a breeze, but there's a run on the schedule tomorrow and Austin is calling for unseasonably cold temps. Looks like I'll be spending some QT with the treadmill. Yet another tri to get me to quit. Ain't happenin! Here goes nothing!!!
You go girl! I was wondering what that detox was all about... maybe you could give me some health pointers. I'm having such a hard time with motivation; it's turning into more of an emotional thing at this point. I want to be healthy! It sounds fun.
Call me! I can help!!! Just think...,you live in Cali and Spring is coming...lots of fun outdoor fitness opps there! You can be healthy and it will be fun (most of the time, lol)!
Doing great girl! Keep up the amazing work!
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