Friday, January 15, 2010

I Too Have A Dream...

I find it absolutely humorous and ironically coincidental that the biggest CHANGE in my life in recent years is starting on MLK Jr. Day. It is indeed as MLK Jr. declared "a day that what will go down in my personal history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of my life" (liberties taken). Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for me. I'm abandoning my old post in Chicago and at Element79, in hopes of a new beginning and the promise it brings.

Life as I've known it in Chicago for the past 3.5 years is changing. Friday, ended my 3 year relationship with my 1st job. He was a great partner, loyal, stable, comfortable and dependable, but as the years went on had just lost his luster and edge. I began to feel dissatisfied in the relationship due to complacency and ultimately opted to end on a good note before resentment set in. I had no idea how hard this would actually be until the final day. When I had to say my goodbyes, part with the gifts he had given me (my computer and keycard) and take the last dreaded elevator ride down the White Tower (Aon Center). It was an afternoon of tears and fears as I relinquished my security blanket and said goodbyes.

Saturday night, I said, "I'll See Ya Later" to my family in Chicago. That is, the many friends who have come alongside me here and made Chicago home. They are people who have helped me in times of trouble, who have taken care of me when I'm sick, celebrated with me when I have victories and loved me all along. I am very blessed to have such an extensive and close knit community of friends here and I am very very sad to leave them. God has certainly revealed himself to me through these people and I can only pray to be so blessed in the next chapter of life. As MLK Jr. said, "We cannot walk alone. "And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead." He got it! Doing life together is always better!

So, where does this road I'm traveling take me? Well, it's a windy one, haha, but I guess the Ardent Adventurer wouldn't have it any other way! My first 2 weeks of freedom will be spent in Costa Rica!!! 1 week will be at Playa Papagayo at the Four Seasons (I like to go out in style) with Lindsey and Ashley for a girls getaway. The following week Dan is meeting up with me in Costa and we'll explore all that Costa Rica has to offer in a more, um, rugged fashion. :)

Then we head back to Oklahoma for a wedding and some family time, yay! And hopefully I'll be starting to train for a new job while I'm home. The tentative plan is to stay in Oklahoma for a few weeks to rest and visit family and then head to Portland, my new city of residence, sometime around the beginning of March! Crazy, I know...never did I think I'd find myself living in the Pacific Northwest, but then again, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd live in Chicago! Such is life. And such is God's plan. He is definitely not predictable, nor even understandable at times, but He's always right and I'm always happy when I follow Him!

Dan is also moving to Portland after we return from Costa Rica! We have both decided to give Portland a go and excited to finally be in the same city! Long distance relationships just aren't all they are cracked up to be, haha! Why Portland? Here are just a few reasons: it's beautiful, mild weather, mountains and beaches at your fingertip, it's a great location for expeditions to other uncharted territories (Seattle, Vancouver, Whistler, Yellowstone & Northern Cali to name a few), Dan's dad and bro live there, he is doing a business venture with a guy from P-town, it's an active city and great restaurants!

I'm so excited for this next chapter in life, yet mourning the closing of an A-mazing one. My time in Chicago will not quickly be forgotten. It has molded me into the woman I am today and for that I will forever be grateful!

With that, I'll leave you with this quote from MLK Jr., "And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream today!"

Thanks for following me on my dream!



5th Belle Avenue said...

LOVE IT! And love YOU!!!! Ah, I am beyond thrilled for you as you embark on this PHENOMENAL journey. I am so excited to see what God has in store for you during these next several months with your new job endeavor, with your honey - with EVERYTHING! I'm excited to "walk" alongside with you! I LOVE YOU, LOVIE!!!! Many prayers for safe travels!

Rhiannon Bosse said...

Gosh so much news!! Good luck on this new journey of yours!! I know everything will work out and I can't wait to hear about it all :) xx

prashant said...

I LOVE YOU, LOVIE!!!! Many prayers for safe travels!

Work from home India

Jordan said...

Sounds exciting! Can't wait to hear all about it :)

a l e x said...

Good luck on your new journey Michelle! Your posts always inspire me to let go of the control wheel and let God's (much better) plan prevail. I look forward to reading about God's work in your new life in Portland. Best to you!