Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tri-ing! Tales of an aspiring Triathlete - Week 1 Done!

Thanks for tuning back in! I did it! I finished week one of Tri training, injury free ;)

I forgot to mention in my first blog the 2 Triathlons I'm training for: The Rookie Tri and The Couples Tri! If you are in the Austin area you should join in the fun!

Glad to have this first week behind me. I'm not gonna lie, it was tough. For starters getting back into the habit of working out 6 days a week wasn't easy. Then there was the soreness that set in on day four and has lingered all week. Thursday I ran the mandated 3 miles on my training routine at the gym because there was snow on the ground!!! It wasn't optimal, but it did allow me to track my pace and seeing as I've been out of the running loop for some time, my just shy of a 10 min mile pace was not what I had hoped for... but it is what it is! I used to run a 8.5 minute mile when I ran half marathons, so getting back to that pace is my personal goal. I'm interested to see how long it takes to get there!

Friday I'm back in the gym for round 2 of strength training. It's not as easy this time around because I'm feeling the effects of the past 4 days of training and my legs are super sore. Imagine being aware of every step when you just walk about normally...not normal, lol. But I figure working through the pain is best and finish the workout. 

Saturday, my calves are on fire. I'm not just "noticing" my steps, but regretting them at this point. Ever since I started running in my Vibram Five Fingers I've had this issue. I know it's because I'm running differently (more on the balls of my feet) but I really had hoped it would start tapering off! If you have any thoughts on this please do share! I endure it because my knee (which is notorious) hasn't hurt at all since I've started wearing them! If you wanna know more on why I wear them read this blog.

My trusty workout gear!

Tomorrow is Sunday...and is my "rest" day. Fitting seeing as it's the Sabbath! However, I really wanna ride b/c it's going to be nice outside again! Maybe I'm already becoming one of those crazy triathletes, mentally anyhow, lol! It is the Superbowl tomorrow, so maybe that will be my athletic endeavor for the day! On to Tri-ing Week 2!!!


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