Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Reasons I LUV Being 25!

So... I had such an A-mazing 25th birthday it was easy to decide on the topic of my next blog post! I have felt so overjoyed the past 72 hours and thought I'd share some of the top things that make the BIG 2-5 the best birthday yet! We'll count down from 25 for a slow reveal :)

25. I'm a Quarter of a Century Old...and everyone reminds me
24. Lower car insurance (if i had a car)
23. Inevitably being "wiser"
22. My birthday was finally on a Saturday!
21. Birthday Brunch Tradition Begins (thanks Beebs)
20. Got a Mani on the Boss
19. Treated myself to a massage
18. Got to meet my Muffin's sister!
17. Cookie cake, mmmmm...
16. P.S. I Love You (thanks Britt)
15. 1st time i celebrated with donuts (thanks Kim)
14. Wearing Britt's B-day Glasses
13. 5 is my favorite number
12. The best things get better with age...
11. Another year of opportunity
10. Falling in love with blogging
9. Church on my birthday

8. My niece will be 1!!!
7. Indiana, L.A., Boston,Costa Rica, Hawaii - YAY
6. Saving for my dreams...
5. Finally being considered an "adult" in the business world
4. Diamond Earrings from Mom! What what!
3. Fun night of Mexican and Dancing!
2. Getting a singing telegram named "Looney Bird" from my friends.
1. 25 Blessed Years of Memories! And hopefully 75 more!

1 comment:

5th Belle Avenue said...

So glad you had a great birthday, love!! Wish I could have been there to help you celebrate!